~Monday, January 16, 2006

Just give me someone nice. Please.

I met another guy. I know, I'm freaking ridiculous. It makes good fodder for the blog though.

I don't know how much detail to get into because I'm more curious about him than anything else. I went out with the girlfriends from work Friday and met Maddy, a boyfriend of one of my coworkers. He and I really get along well and he says he wants to set me up with a friend of his the next night.

I go over to his place and I meet Christopher. I want to make a good impression on everybody in the room because I'm new to the area. I don't know anyone here and I need to make some new friends. I like the ones I met on Friday. I try to be nice to Christopher and whenever I get myself a beer, I get one for him too. He drinks them as fast as I do, and before I realize it, I'm not just buzzing, I'm full-on drunk and the case of beer I brought is gone.

Then I start talking. It's embarrassing just remembering any of this. I wish I blacked it out. I say something sexually for shock value and humor and Christopher looks over at me:

Christopher: You're a whore.
Sarah: Don't say that. That's really mean.
Christopher: You're a whore.
Group: He doesn't mean it.
Sarah: Why are you saying that?
Christopher: You must be.

I wanted to die. I wanted to disappear immediately. I'm drunk and I'm embarrassed and I want new friends. I look down at my beer bottle, get up, go into the kitchen, and sit there a minute. My friend from work comes in and tries to console me. I wanted to make a good impression and instead I got called a whore. I've never been called that before. No one ever talks to me like that. "Bitch" is as rough as it gets, and when it comes from your best friends and they're laughing while they say it, it's completely different. This was a guy I've never seen before and he wasn't smiling.

I begin to tear up. She tells me that he doesn't mean it. Guys say things like that all the time innocently. He doesn't mean any harm, that's just his sense of humor. He walks in obviously feeling a little guilty and tries to make things better. I got him to apologize. I trust my friend's judgment and if she says he's a really good guy when you get to know him, I believe it and I forgive him. We end up in Maddy's bedroom talking and looking at the skyline and Maddy comes in and tells us he and Rebecca are going to bed. Christopher and I leave and walk outside. I'm completely tanked and know I can't go home tonight. Christopher wants me to go home with him and I accept. It was really my only choice.

Once I understood his personality, we got along much better. I picked on him just as frequently and laughed off his snarkiness. He has a fantastic apartment, probably the best one I've ever seen. He has the moon and the skyline shining in through his 12' x 12' bedroom window. 600 thread count sheets. Down pillows. I drunkenly whisper that it's a good night to sleep with someone, it's just too cold out to sleep alone, especially after walking the 5 blocks to his apartment. He agrees and pulls me to him.

The next morning we began this cat and mouse routine. He would make a move and then back off with me resisting the entire time. I didn't want any of it. I think it was more of he wanted to see if he could get me, instead of he being actually interested. I still can't figure him out, especially when he asked for my number. I don't know if he's going to call, but I want him to out of curiosity. I haven't made my mind up about him yet. But if I'm going to be friends with Maddy and Rebecca, then Christopher and I are going to be thrown together a lot.


Gabriel K. said...

That's a pretty harsh thing to say, especially since he didn't even know you.

I think that it's pretty amazing that you remembered how big his windows were and the thread count of his sheets for being drunk.

Jenni said...

You and me, Sarah, we're both a little nuts. That's okay, tho. It helps us to understand one another all the better. *smiles*
The thoughts running through my head about this one are that maybe heavy drinking and meeting for the first time are NOT mixing well. It's hard to comprehend the "whore" calling. You are quite forgiving. It seems that at times you get your feeling hurt when actually you should get angry. I don't know though, obviously I wasn't there. Sometimes you have to be there to fully understand the situation.
Best of luck with this one. Keep us posted.

Sarah said...

Koh Bomb- it was an incredible apartment.

I wish I was the sort of person that didn't get mad at all. I wish I was the sort of person that could laugh something like that off. Instead, I created a scene. I hate that about myself.

But I got him back though. Apparently my nose bled in the middle of the night and it got all over his 600 thread count sheets.

Gabriel K. said...

I think that it may have been his fantastic apartment that gave you the nose bleed...

Anonymous said...

KB- I don't know if you were insulting me or not!

Gabriel K. said...

I don't think that I was. I just thought it was something funny to say. Hope you didn't get offended.

It's not like I called you a whore or anything.

HAHA - sorry, bad joke.

Anonymous said...

KB- That was hilarious! LOL!


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