It took him 4 days, but I finally received an e-mail from Blind Date Boy. Our mutual friend thought it would be easier if we exchange e-mails first. His e-mail was carefully worded and nothing less than charming. I was going to practice the new me, the casual one who can take or leave boys. I rounded up the girls and we all went to lunch yesterday. After we placed our order, I pulled the e-mail out of my purse.
The girls read it and sighed. They loved it. They said he obviously put some time in it and it was a really great letter.
"I know. I need your help so I don't screw this up," I said.
As a group, we balance each other out. I'm the crazy, unafraid one, E is the shy one, and L is the sensible one with the long term boyfriend. I needed sensible and shy, not forward and crazy. Together over lunch we drafted a letter back. It mirrored his, ended with a question to solicit a response, and on the whole was light and breezy, punctuated with a few jokes. Everyone was really pleased.
"When are you going to send it?" asked L.
"I don't know."
"Wait until tonight to send it," said E.
"No," L smiled and leaned over the table. "Send it tomorrow morning."
I saved the draft to my computer and glanced at it periodically throughout the afternoon at work. I wanted to send it, but didn't. I got home, pulled out some knitting, and sat in front of the TV. It was raining. I checked my e-mail, thought of sending the letter, and I didn't.
I made it until 9 am this morning and I am extremely proud of myself.
2 weeks ago
Ooh I want to know what the letters said!!!! That was a good plan of having them help you draft the first letter. Can't wait to hear more.
It's great to have good friends to go to for advice. This looks like a good start! Keep us posted.
::Sigh:: I wish I had "girls"
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