Happy Halloween to all the countries that don't celebrate it like we do in the States. It's the one day a year girls dress up slutty and the boys wear wigs and hookups happen faster than a Christian in Afghanistan.
It's the single person's Valentine's Day, after all, so I'm a very happy girl.
5 hours ago
what a cool pic! :)
LOVE that fan!
Lovely photo, and the chopsticks are a nice touch. ;)
So you were a Japanese hooker ~grin~
Hehe, trickin' an' treatin' ain't just for the kiddies!
Great pic BTW. :)
M- I borrowed it from my mom. As an art project every year, she has the kids write Chinese characters on fans they make. An art lesson for you perhaps?
Walter- Those chopsticks fuggin' hurt when I was trying to shove them in!
Phil- Mmm thanks!
Indiana- Yes, only I could find a costume that is work appropriate and still hint at slutty sex. I love my mind sometimes :)
General- It's the treatin' that's my favorite part! Thanks!
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