"Fffuck. Shit. Damn. Oh God!"
Why do guys swear when they're about to orgasm?In my experience, guys swear like drunken sailors with Tourettes when they are about to cum. This is especially so if the orgasm is originating from oral sex. Most don't even swear much during normal speech, but wrap some lips around them and it's like those are the only words they know. Or maybe it's just the guys I've been around, and if this is the case, I would like to know this as well.
I asked Scott last night. He thinks it's an American thing. He believes men learn it from porn where the women scream obscenities--they watch it at such a young age and it just becomes ingrained in them. I'm not buying it, but I don't have any other alternative theories.
Is swearing before orgasm a purely American thing? Do you or your partner swear? Why? Answer anonymously if you want, but I'm curious about it.
3 weeks ago
My theory (since I sometimes catch myself dropping the f-bomb during sex) is that expletives are the only appropriate words that you can say out of nowhere without sounding like an idiot. It's a form of expressing yourself without having to string together one of those pesky sentences. They're especially nice when you're about to have an orgasm and your brain is not functioning on any level.
I can't recall ever having a lover say curse words when they were about to or were having an orgasm. My boyfriend now doesn't swear at all in general so he definitely doesn't during sex.
In my case its not just the male of the relationship that swears. . .
*looks about nervously*
OK, so just me then!
Brooklyn- I was wondering if it was the whole "I can't complete a sentence with both a subject and a predicate right now" thing.
Anony- That's what I was afraid of. It's just the men I know!
Drama Queen- I don't swear, but I call upon God a lot! :)
Well in some circles that IS swearing. . .And I think Brooklyn has nailed it, so to speak.
True. I meant I don't list different four-letter words. I wonder why the brain would regress to using expletives though.
I've gotten a lot of "Oh God's!" Not too sure about the swearing, though. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? ;o)
I know, I know. I was just (trying) to be funny. . .
and sometimes I go further than four letter words and add an 'ing' on there too!
Nope - British blokes swear too - or at least I do. Does depend who you're with though. If I thought it would offend her I would swear in my head :D
AmyD- LOL!
Drama Queen- To go along with AmyD's comment, I don't think I'm having the sex you're having!
Dom- Nah, doesn't offend me, just made me curious. Ha, I knew it wasn't just an American thing!
Don't worry you're not alone... Aussie guys like to swear alot as well!!
I have been known to swear. I specifically tend to use the F-word....but that is only if it is really really really good and I feel comfortable swearing around them as that is not a word I normally use. And the Canadian guys swear...not all (I haven't been with them all :P) but a few that I have known...
my boyfriend spat out a
shit fuck oh shit oh fuck
when coming the first time we had sex
that didn't fly for me
it doesn't go down like that any more, i just let him know it bothered me. it made me think he had angry sex with his ex
i don't mind hearing
shit you're so good
oh god that's so good
I don't swear during sex or during orgasm and neither does The Swimmer. I do say, "Oh G-d!" a good amount, but a lot of times it's dirty talk along the lines of "You feel so good/big" and I know that gets him going. I'm trying to remember if other guys have cursed during sex. . . One that I can remember did, very loudly and for so long I thought he was having an aneurysm. I had to contain my laughter and my friends and I joke about it every once in a while. I agree with brooklyn, it's just hard to form sentences sometimes.
LOL @ this post!!
I'll let you know what I say when I actually 'experience' a big "O"
I think it really depends on the guy as to whether they swear or not .. some do .. some don't .. I wouldn't someone fully letting his mouth off in a moment like that ..
L claims that once, not even close to orgasm, i told him to "fuck this slow shit and fuck me harder."
and i was sober.
worse, it sounds like something i would say. i couldn't even argue with him and keep a straight face.
I just become religious.
good q.
When it comes right down to it, saying expletives or getting religious is still so much better than other alternatives. For instance, there is a guy who does porn movies who, whenever he gets to the point of no return, starts yelling out "Dropping loads!!!"
I kid you not. I never thought I could laugh so much at a porn.
Reading this, I think it is starting to look that way Sarah.
I think its a universal thing... ~grin~
Or at least I swear, especially from oral.
yep, i swear, he swears a whole lot more though...and never ususally does in 'normal speech'
so not just an American thing!
I think perhaps it's lack of and being too busy to think of better words to describe how good it is!
is roughly what I say
I don't know. I have quite a potty mouth when having sex myself, so I usually don't mind when men do it as well. Also, most men will swear when having an orgasm, in my experience.
Yea! I had such a good time reading the responses this morning! I spat my coffee out when I got to Peach!
I think it's because in English it sounds kinda good. I think it would sound good in Italian too. But it would definitely sound ridiculous in German or French.
That doesn't mean we don't say anything. We just say a lot of other stuff :D
Ooh, interesting! So what would French or Germans say?
Swearing sometimes but not to the exclusion of other vocabulary.
I'm more of an "Oh God, cue dirty talk" kind of girl... at least on my behalf.
But I confess to secretly smiling on the inside when I hear men swearing as they get close to orgasm. Especially if they're accompanied by any kind of moaning or groaning... half-choked words, etc.
It gives me that whole, "I'm a sexy Goddess vibe" and makes me want to be just that much more naughty! :)
Ok finally I get a chance to get here...fantastic reading though, made my day go by so much easier!!
I'm a religious gal myself. BUT get me really comfortable with a guy and add a couple of drinks and I can come up with some interesting erm...expressions.
And most of the men I've known are big on the dirty talk but not so much the expressions like you've described at climax. It's more a lot of grunting and gasping.
I swear when oral is really good. I also tend to be a dirty talker. Most of the Canadian guys I've been with have cursed, although not every time and not until they knew it wouldn't bother me.
I'm quite the naughty girl but I can't recall any guy shouting obscenities during sex. Plenty of dirty talk but no outburts of curse words.
If you're so inclined, stop by and cheer me on, comment or contribute as I blog for a good cause tomorrow.
What an amazing post, I'd never even really considered it before.
One guy I was with didn't swear: he screamed. Full on, "oh my God, I have flatmates, do you MIND?" embarrassing screams.
Needless to say, he wasn't invited around too frequently. Recently, I found out he's banging one of my mates. She and I went out and had a giggle about his particular predilection for noise.
My favourite (i.e. current) shag doesn't scream, doesn't swear. Says "baby" (as in 'me', not as in 'foetus') and "oh nomes" a fair amount. One time, he said, "look at me" (as in, 'meet my eyes', not as in 'I'm Sandra Dee') I think he's occasionally said "fuck" but that's not at the end, if you will, it's some time in the middle when things are getting really good.
I miss him. Cheers Sarah, for a great post! :)
hahahaha!!!!! Too often, but they're only the casual guys - never had a swearing boyfriend.
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