And then during a recent bout of summer storms, the ceiling in my apartment opens up and leaks all over my kitchen. The same leak I've been battling every time it has rained over the last 14 months. My leasing agent says they don't know how to fix it and the only solution is for me to move.
Now where is that spreadsheet?
9 hours ago
"life is what happens to us when we're busy making other plans..."
John Lennon
Haha-- the heavens are opening up to tell you to move in with him... :)
It's called an umbrella.
I lived in an apartment with a leaky roof for (counting on fingers) four years. Management finally said - it's cheaper to lose you as a tenant than fix the roof. I'm all for a good business decision but come on now.
Stick to your original guns and be the sassy problem solver you've always been.
Awww shit!! Spreadsheets are the coolest. Well, not really. But you get my point.
The fates are intervening. They may be telling you something! Who knows, but I wouldn't fight it. The fates will get you in the end!
They had better compensate!!
A move could bring a better view and new energy! After all, you're in a very new phase of your life.
Divine intervetion
Um..I don't know. I still wouldn't move in with him - regardless of this situation. Moving in because you feel you have to (i.e. leaky roof) isn't the right reason either....
uuuuuhhhh, they can move you right in to another apartment...
their loss if it's more expensive and better. you are the client!
or you could just get out of your lease. whatever is best.
if they'll move you, maybe it'll be larger...with enough room for two...
Hmmm, interesting development. Not sure I would take it as a sign to move in with the boy...but on the other hand it does seem a bit too coincidental. Can't wait to hear how this one turns out...
And then... WHAT DID YOU DO?
Poor thing! Having the sky for a canopy sounds great in poetry but perhaps not recommended as a long-term living situation. Hope you find a viable alternative.
Damn...what does this mean, considering I've ALWAYS said and believed that "everything happens for a reason..."????!!!!
Yeah, I still say don't move in with him, but it's totally up to you. Three months is still way too soon to be moving in together in my opinion. But again, totally up to you.
I would think the only thing worse than moving in with someone because it's convenient for them, is moving in with someone just because it's convenient for both of you!
If you don't feel ready, then you don't feel ready :o)
You and your hangy posts!
ahhhh fate, that slippery little sucker. But it doesn't mean the decision is not still ultimately yours.
That is exactly why i'm glad i'm not renting anymore. That's the most bs answer I've heard. They don't know how to fix it? You should just move?! And what are they going to do with the next person that moves in there. And I suppose they'd want to keep any deposit you've made because you'd be breaking your lease if you moved out early due to the leak. Stupid fuckers anyway. Can you tell I've had bad renting experiences? :P
I moved in with Fiji after three months, so I can't say it's "too soon." You create your own time line. YOU, and only you, will know if you're ready. And last week you weren't, which doesn't mean you aren't now.
Wow. I'm super helpful. You can thank me later.
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