Fuck, I bought the shoes.
I also managed to buy Scott's present. An ex-chef de cuisine, he loathed my colorful (and cheap) IKEA knives. His knives were stolen out of his car years ago (why someone would leave knives on the seat of a car parked downtown is beyond me.) So I called my father up and asked him what the nicest chef knives are.
"Well there's J. A. Henckels, but if you're really going for snobby, get Wüsthof."
"Wüsthof it is then."
And as it turns out, Wüsthof is really expensive at around $70.00 - $100.00 per knife. My IKEA set cost me at most $10 and included five color-coordinated knives and a holder. It's been great at slicing stale baguettes and opening boxes.
Using my trusty shopping researching skills, I scoured the Internet and found a website that offered three knives for $169. And as an added bonus, they threw in two sharpeners (the sharpening steel and the hand-held one) and a nine-slot block to store them. Essentially I got six pieces for $169. I added to cart, gave them the numbers off my plastic, and they'll be here in three to five business days.
The shoes will take five to seven.
9 hours ago
Top shopping there, good to see you're employing my pressie buying strategy: one pressie for them, one for me. Keeps us all happy!
I usually end up buying myself things when I xmas shop too. Why not?? We earned them!
Ahh!! I bought a 12 piece set of Wustof knives on ebay last year for cheap! I love them. They're a great gift!
Awesome deal! Trust me you will use those knives and never want to go back to the Ikea crap. Or you could just let Scott do all the cooking from now on!
He won't let me cook. I don't argue :P
I hate dull knives. And I have an entire drawer full of them. So what to I do...buy new ones...nope...buy an expensive sharpener for my crappy knives. :P I have a pair of really cute black ballet shoes but I have to find the right sox, nylons something so my feet will be warm in the snow we're getting and so they will stay on my feet. I can wear them fine barefoot, but once I put on hose or dress sox they're too big and slip off. that's waht i get for trying to be trendy :P
so i read this blog, went back online and ordered the metallic amber ballet flats i wanted.
ps. your knives are cute!
Yea! Ballet shoes are always the right choice!
[whistling low] those knives are niiiice. You have good taste! Scott will be impressed!
Btw - I'm still waiting for the shoes I ordered last week! I'm starting to feel like free shipping = strap on back of turtle
LOL! Apparently I'm not working today :P
I definitely love peach's strategy for presents :)
And yay for ballet flats!!
If I had the money I'd be right next to you shopping like mad.
I am very very jealous of the purse you're eyeing too. We MUST take a Saturday and just shop already!!
What about 12/15??? I have to do some christmas shopping AND I will have just gotten paid. I'll buy lunch too!!
I love your Ikea knives...
Glad you went for the Wusthof.. I have a pile of them - cost me a fortune, but guaranteed for life and SOOOOO lovely to use.
Now that's some nice shopping! ;)
Awesome - Wustof are the best.
McDreamy had way better knives than me - a mystery since the man doesn't cook.
Damn, you spoiled him rotten! He'll be stoked upon seeing your gift. Good work outta you!!
And be sure to take a pic of those shoes (I don't blame you one bit for getting them...)! ;o)
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