After being subjected to all of the baseball in the College World Series, I got my retribution in the form of Say Yes to the Dress and Drop Dead Diva.
"What happened to 'I just want to be with you?'" Abraham attempted.
It's what I said at somewhere in the middle of our relationship when he said he wanted to watch a hockey game. He had cooed and kissed me. And I meant it at the time. But football turned into hockey turned into March Madness turned into College World Series. I had picked a bad rental from Redbox a couple of times, but he's never sat through a single 16 and Pregnant. I wanted payback.
It was hilarious, if not a little awkward, watching Say Yes to the Dress with Abraham, a show about picking out wedding dresses. When he made a comment like "That dress is so ugly," I would melt into a fit of giggles.
I took the time to explain the difference between the New York show and the Atlanta show and how much better the Atlanta show was. The dresses aren't as gaudy in the South, nor are they as expensive, but, oh my goodness, the couples in Atlanta are so young. In New York, you can tell who is marrying for money.
Abraham made the comment that he wished the show would air all of the weddings of the girls who picked out dresses. I died.
Drop Dead Diva is a charming little show on Lifetime. It chronicles a skinny model trapped in a chubby attorney's body. It has near tear-jerking story lines and cute clothes.
I forced him to watch it after the third College World Series baseball game of the weekend. We were entangled on the couch. My feet between his calves. My hand on his thigh.
During the episode, the lawyer tells the sister of her boyfriend that she loves him. He was unexpectedly standing behind her.
"You love me?" he said.
And, ugh, and when he said that on the TV, I swiped my thumb across Abraham's thigh. It was an unconscious but deliberate act of affection. I realized what I did at the exact moment of the TV I love you, so I tried to make up for it by continuing to caress his skin, like stumbling and turning it into a jog.
"I love you too, and I love that you said it first," the boyfriend on TV continued.
Abraham tapped my stomach with his finger four times, just as deliberately as my thumb swipe.
My heart skipped a beat. He knew what I did and he reciprocated. In jury-rigged Morse code no less. It makes me less afraid of telling him how I feel.
Which will be this weekend I decided.
2 weeks ago
:) Drop Dead Diva may be a feel good show, but this is a feel good post. :)
I love you for telling this story! :)
Great show, and I haven't made Le Chef sit through that just yet.. but it will be soon if I never have a free night!
Good luck this weekend, I think it'll be what you're hoping :)
Oh. My.
Lovely ... just ...
do it!!! yay!
(that is all)
Enjoy the moment ... and do share!
Oh man. I love both those shows! Drop Dead Diva is the best. I also love Atlanta more-"We're going to jack her up!"
I'm happy for your and Abraham. :) I'd say good luck, but you don't need it. Just be brave and say it!
Wheeeeeeee! This weekend is going to be a great weekend.
I only watched a few episodes of "Say yes to the dress", but I do watch Drop Dead Diva, which is good, yet, has the cheesiest story lines ever.
I think Abraham should be confessing his love on bended knee with roses and fine chocolates if you watched and/or went to those sporting events with him.
Oh my gosh! Can't wait to hear the weekend recap soon!
So sweet! I am anxiously waiting the recap of the weekend.
Drop Dead Diva is my guilty pleasure.
I love all the build up, and anticipation to telling him how you feel. I am so excited to hear about it, its quite clear he's absolutely smitten by you as well so don't be nervous!
I used to love that show but not anymore. But OMG!! Yay!! Can't wait to read how it goes!! :)
Swoon. Have an amazing weekend!! Xo
And ps.... If you decide you want to say it in Hebrew:
Male to female: Ani ohev otakh (אני אוהב אותך)
Male to male: Ani ohev otkhah (אני אוהב אותך)
Female to male: Ani ohevet otkhah (אני אוהבת אותך)
Female to female: Ani ohevet otakh (אני אוהבת אותך)
I'm just saying.
WOOHOOO! Way to go girl! I'm super jealous you can get Abraham to make the viewing time a little more equal! Also, I hope the "saying it" goes well!
OMG, I can't believe I've missed so much! I'm so happy for you guys, and that anticipation before you say "I love you" is so beautiful, nerve-wracking, and exciting all at once :)
I promise it won't take me so long to stop by again. So happy to hear that all is well with you.
And I love "Say Yes to the Dress." I haven't made my bf watch it just yet, but I agree. Atlanta seems to be very high on the drama. I sm partial to NY though. XOXO
I haven't posted a comment in a while but this needs to be commented on - OMG!!!! I am so pleased for you. Good luck my lovely! :) x
Pretty sure this was a good weekend;)
Hoping your weekend was a memorable one.... in a good way! :)
Even my old cold jaded heart melted just a wee bit after reading this.
'like stumbling and turning it into a jog' - loved that bit! do the 4 taps mean ' i love you too' ?
hope you had a wonderful weekend - and I bet there's some hilarious anecdote to accompany the telling xx
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