Scott continues to heal. His hand looks a whole lot less gross with skin covering it, even if it is from his thigh. Yesterday he noticed one of his leg hairs growing out the side of his hand and he was thoroughly disgusted. I broke out into a fit of giggles on the couch while he ran around the apartment screaming, "this is sooooooo gross!" He then grabbed the tweezers and plucked his hand.
He has some body issues right now. His left leg, where they took the "sizable chunk" of skin, has about an 8-inch incision running up the inside of his thigh. Whoever closed him up post-surgery did not do a very good job with the stitches and the doctor warned him the scar is going to be pretty bad. Also because of the surgery, one of his legs is shaved and the other one isn't. I was surprised when I saw how high they shaved. I think it's funny that they only manscaped the one side. The skin graft to the elbow didn't take very well, most of the new skin just fell off, leaving him with a lot of scar tissue. But, really, it's just an elbow. Not the most beautiful of body parts. The graft to his hairy hand took really nicely, but the doctor said because he burned off so much skin there, he'll never have the amount of padding he has on his right hand. His left hand will always be thinner. So he feels a bit like Frankenstein's monster right now, all put together with scrap parts.
The pin that was surgically placed alongside the bone in his pinky finger got caught on the sheets one night and ripped out. I'm worried that the surgery was for nothing without the pin, and the outer fingers will heal curled to his palm. I keep reminding him to keep his fingers straight, but I don't think it's doing any good. He has yet another doctor's appointment today, so we'll find out if he needs to do anything to protect his hand.
Scott also had his court hearing regarding the accident. He went hoping the lady wouldn't show up. If that happened, then the officer said his ticket would be dismissed and he would no longer be held responsible for the accident. Scott had called her a few days after the accident and told her he wasn't required to carry insurance on his bike because the engine size is 49cc. He offered to just split the costs: he'll pay for his damages and she'll pay for hers. He even offered to split the uninsured motorist deductible on her policy. She said that sounded fair and she would run it by her husband and insurance company. The insurance company balked and said he was required to carry insurance no matter what (even the officer who faulted Scott for the accident confirmed about the insurance regulations). Contact between them halted and as luck goes, she showed.
Scott asked for a continuance, saying he needs a lawyer if she plans to fight the accident, which, frankly, I don't blame her for doing. The judge granted him one and now the court date won't be for another month and a half. I don't know what's going on with that, or even if he will hire a lawyer. I certainly don't have the money to pay for one.
In the meantime, he's applying for part-time work. He's shy to work in the kitchens because he's afraid of damaging the new skin on his hand by burning it on the oven or cutting it with the fancy chef knives I got him for Christmas last year. I don't blame him for feeling that way. His arms already look like they've been put through a blender with all the kitchen wounds he's incurred over the last 15 years. He has a third interview scheduled for Friday at a gourmet organic market as a consumer consultant: someone who provides the customer with recipes and cooking tips and the like. Apparently it comes with benefits such as your standard 401(k) and—I'm ecstatic—medical insurance! So pray, meditate, throw a coin, pass the salt, or whatever you do that he gets this job. He needs this. I need this.
1 week ago
Sounds like a really cool job. I'll definitely be doing my meditating for y'all. :)
I'm hoping that this job comes through for him -- I think that it will help him heal, at least mentally.
I'm keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
You two are so blessed to have one another. I hope he truly appreciates what an amazing woman he has standing beside him.
Did you ever get my email...?
It sounds like things are looking up. That job sounds really neat. Wish Scott luck! I will keep my fingers crossed.
I am praying, hoping, keeping fingers and toes crossed... for the job and the court case in a month and half xx
That job sounds really cool! Sounds like someone I would love to harrass when I do my shopping and have a ton of questions about cooking! I'll be sending out positive thoughts!
Goodness! Only just catching up... how are you? Really...
I'm so glad that life doesn't seem so smothering, just tough and hard but you can both pull through it! I hope he gets that job, and that your health is good too!
I'm praying for him to get this job. It sounds like you both need it. And medical insurance - great!
I am glad things sound like they are starting to look up.... but how are You??
Definately keeping you both in my thoughts and sending positive vibes!
Ooooh, that job sounds amazing!! I'm crossing my fingers and sending up a prayer that he gets it!
As for the recouperation, these things take time. He will never be back to perfect, but with time and continued follow-up's, he will become more comfortable with his fate.
I'll do all of the above! Good luck to Scott!
I know that deep down under all this you have to be dying from fear, panic, and/or anxiety because as women we are expected to keep a level head and rise to the occasion. You are doing a wonderful job of all that even if you are (or aren't) secretly suffering inside. Just remember you aren't alone, and you are one hell of a woman! You guys are always in my positive thoughts and prayers, and I know that you both will pull out of this run of bad luck with smiles on your face and a tighter bond than ever could have imagined!
Here's wishing all the BESTEST luck to get the job! You never know, it may be something he totally loves more than chefing.
Any updates on Scott's job?
And how are you doing in all of this?
crossing fingers on the job.
I had to giggle about the hair growing out of his hand.
NASTY.. but at least it made you smile for a minute. :)
Just want to throw in my two cents re: Scott needing a lawyer, etc. I think that if he's unemployed and doesn't have much equity then he will qualify for a public defender. And they really don't charge much--some states it's a flat rate of $60 if you pay within 60 days...depends on the state. If you don't pay within 60 days the price can quadruple.
Good luck!
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