I dropped my purse and jacket on his bedroom floor, down by the foot of my side of the bed. He adjusted the bedroom lights: overhead light off, hallway light on.
"Are we going to play Strip House again?" I asked while kicking off my ankle boots.
Strip House was a game he invented the previous week. The rules are simple: remove an article of clothing any time the words "tumor" or "cancer" are spoken. We were disappointed with the results for the first 55 minutes of the game; however, the last 5 minutes had proved to be more than effective.
I climbed into bed with him. I encircled my arms around his abdomen and laid my head on his chest. He flopped on the bed like a fish out of water, rotating our entangled bodies on his mattress until my big head wasn't blocking him. He enclosed his arm around me where he would periodically tickle my back with his fingertips throughout the night. I kissed his neck. It tasted like salt, mainly because he had been playing racquetball before climbing into bed with me. I picked up the bag of frozen peas and re-adjusted it on his bad knee. He then reached for the remote and turned on his TV.
This is happiness.
2 weeks ago
I haven't been reading your blog for too terribly long like it seems most who comment here have. But I've read enough to be able to appreciate the happiness that you've found with Abraham. It makes me smile for you. :)
I'm doing that quiet-on-the-outside, but girly "!!!" on the inside thing. It made me smile for you, too.
You two are some peas in a pod. Had to play on your words.
Woohoo :) so happy for you!! Enjoy it, you deserve it :)
I'm a fairly new follower but wanted to say I love this post. The simplicity of a night of snuggling=happiness. I couldn't agree more!
All hail the peas!
i'm reaaaaally liking the idea of a stripping game for two during a favorite show rather than a drinking game. will be instituted at my house asap.
I just watched this week's episode, and if you throw in someone throwing up blood, you'll get things moving a little sooner, in most cases. Sort of like the Vampire Diaries, and their throwing a party every two episodes.
I second the comment on liking the stripping game, but may I suggest it be combined with a drinking game? Double the fun!
I sure sounds like the best kind of happiness, to me.
Awwww! This is lovely to read.
But were you watching a program that actually had the words "tumour" and "cancer" in them quite regularly or are those words that you guys use a lot in your conversations?!
I like the idea of the game except when the heck would those words come up in regular conversation?
House is a medical-mystery TV drama in which the patient is usually suspected of having cancer at some point.
Oh - I didn't realise you meant the TV program "House"! Makes more sense now! :P
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